Thursday 13 October 2011

tattoos in latin

tattoos; everyone is familiar with the "Billy Bob" tattoo she got in honor of her now ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton, then later had covered up. And publicity shots of soccer great David Beckham frequently show his bare back, revealing the names of his sons tattooed in thick black ink. But did you know that these celebrities also have Latin tattoos as well? Angelina's is on her lower stomach (next to a thick black cross that covers up a small blue dragon she got while drunk in Amsterdam) and says, "Quod me netrit me destruit" meaning, "What nourishes me also destroys me." David Beckham's Latin phrase is on his left inner forearm, just below his wife Victoria's name which is misspelled in a Hindi script. The phrase reads, "Ut Amem Et Foveam" meaning "So that I love and cherish."

<<<<<<<<tattoos in latin>>>>>>>>

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